

AmiBroker 5.77.0 BETA released

Stability: Rank 3 - Regular BETA, pretty stable, should work fine in most environments

This is a BETA version. Make a backup first

A new beta version (5.77.0) of AmiBroker has just been released.

32-bit version:
(2 300 720 bytes)

64-bit version:
(9 515 576 bytes)

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IMPORTANT: Unauthorized copying and/or distribution of materials found on members' only page is STRICTLY PROHIBITED and will result in IMMEDIATE termination of license.

Note that this version can only be installed onto previous full installation of version 5.70 or higher from

CHANGES FOR VERSION 5.77.0 (as compared to 5.76.0)

  1. New Editor: 'Use separate frame' mode implemented (Tools->Preferences, "Editor" to turn this off and open as tab in main frame)
  2. New Editor: Toolbar customization functionality added
  3. UI: Window->Toggle Frame menu/shortcut added to quickly switch between main and separate editor frame
  4. UI: Window menu reordered (Tile/Cascade items moved up)
  5. New Editor: in 5.76 pressing Help button on dialogs when new editor was open, directed help file to 'formula editor' page instead of given dialog help file. Fixed.
  6. New Editor: On dark backgrounds the selection is darker than it was before
  7. New Editor: typing non-US characters is now working
  8. New Editor: Copy As HTML implemented
  9. New Editor: added ability to turn off line number margin, selection margin, fold margin (from View menu)
  10. New Editor: added View->Fold All / Unfold All commands
  11. New Editor: when relative paths were used sometimes auto-reload and auto-save before analysis did not work. Fixed.
  12. New Editor: Caret Ln/Col position is displayed in the status bar
  13. New Editor: Closing top error message bar clears ALL in-line error messages
  14. New Editor: added Edit->Clear Error message menu (Ctrl+E) - it clears an error(s) in currently selected line/range
  15. New Editor: The width of line number margin is automatically adjusted with regards to font size and line count and zoom level
  16. New Analysis: Progress bar is shown/hid quicker

CHANGES FOR VERSION 5.76.0 (as compared to 5.75.0)

  1. New Editor: Auto-complete has now 3 modes: disabled, on-demand (shows auto complete list when you press Ctrl+SPACE as in old editor) and immediate (auto-complete pops up immediately)
  2. New Editor: Auto change case and auto parameter info features can be turned off from the preferences
  3. Prefs: Editor page changed: added "Virtual space" checkbox, replaced "Auto-complete" box with 3-way selection radio buttons, removed 2 options that are always on now
  4. New Editor: File is saved automatically when it is open in Analysis window and analysis is run
  5. UI: leftover and/or user-defined keyboard accelerators for HOME/END/PAGE UP/DOWN, letters and digits without Ctrl/Alt modifier are removed on startup not to interfere with the editor
  6. UI: Ctrl+F added to default key accelerators
  7. New Editor: Implemented user-defined colors/styles/font (from Tools->Preferences, "Editor").
  8. New Editor: Implemented Help features (access to help pages Function reference, Using AFL Editor, Param info, etc)
  9. New Editor: Chart tree is auto-refreshed when formula is saved under new name (Save As...)

CHANGES FOR VERSION 5.75.0 (as compared to 5.74.0)

  1. Brand new AFL Editor, integrated with MDI structure with many new features
    • line numbering
    • code folding
    • automatic indent
    • indentation markers
    • brace highlighting
    • improved auto-complete
    • in-line error reporting / highlight
  2. New Analysis: few messages displayed in modal message box were moved to message bar
  3. UI: Active state is tracked separately for each document type (so there is 'last active chart' , 'last active analysis") to allow functioning of new editor
  4. ADK: InfoSite added to the PluginNotification structure (Notify API callback)
  5. AFL: Parser tracks position of some operators better so errors and warnings should show locations more precisely (for example Warning 501 points to = sign now)
  6. AFL: Parser produces more descriptive "Syntax error, indentifier 'name' is undefined " or "... is not a function" when it encounters a function call for undefined identifier or indentifier that is a variable. Previously it returned 'syntax error, unexpected '('
  7. UI: removed global user-definable accelerators for Chart/Pageup/down/home/end because they interferred with new AFL editor. Instead chart page/up/down/home/end implemented locally (work only when chart has focus)

CHANGES FOR VERSION 5.74.0 (as compared to 5.73.0)

  1. AFL Editor: Code snippets implemented (phase 1). Code snippet is a small piece of AFL code. It can be inserted by right-clicking in the AFL editor window and choosing "Insert Snippet" menu
  2. AFL: Low level GFX: Multi-layering (z-order) implemented. AFL: GfxSetZOrder implemented
  3. AFL: Low-level GFX: radius in GfxCircle() function is expressed in "X" units (so it actually draws circle instead of ellipse when coords mode is 1). Additionally you can specify radius in pixels even in co-ords mode = 1. To do so pass radius as NEGATIVE number. Also one pixel is now added to the rounding box so circle is centered at "x,y".
  4. AFL: Low level GFX: in 5.73.0 the pixel co-ordinates were rounded differently than in 5.72 and earlier. Fixed.
  5. AFL: Low level GFX: new function GfxGetTextWidth - returns pixel width of specified string. NOTE: it is slow because it has to create temporary DC and font to measure the text. It takes 40us (microseconds), that is about 40 times more than other Gfx functions.
  6. AFL: fopen - new parameter: 'sharing' decides whenever file is open in sharing mode or not. When sharing is True a file is prepared for subsequent shared reading and writing.
  7. UI: Added "Name" (full name) column to Real-time quote window
  8. AFL: Implemented user control over Y-axis cursor and tooltips by means of new option chartDisableYAxisCursor, chartDisableTooltips added to SetChartOptions

CHANGES FOR VERSION 5.73.0 (as compared to 5.72.0)

  1. AFL: new GfxSetCoordsMode - rewritten Low-Level Gfx to allow fractional coords and bar/price co-ords mode in addition to pixel
  2. AFL: SetOption("StaticVarAutoSave", interval ) - added to allow periodical auto-saving of persistent static variables
  3. Charts: functions calculating day offset support years > 2038 and are now much faster
  4. Charts: Cycle Lines tool has drawn lines in weird places when using very long cycles that resulted in lines being positioned beyond 2038. Fixed.
  5. UI: added View->Price chart style->Bars without ticks
  6. Change #2534 made in 5.71.0 (allowing Null for Close field in bar chart) created backward compatiblity issue. Reverted. Instead a new styleBarNoTick introduced that allows to plot bar chart without open/close ticks
  7. New Analysis: when Non-exhaustive Optimize was used on symbol without any quotes, UI displayed error and remained disabled and it was not possible to re-run non-exhaustive opt. Fixed.
  8. New Analysis: Backtest: Profit figures are color-coded now (negative - red/positive - green)

CHANGES FOR VERSION 5.72.0 (as compared to 5.71.0)

  1. AFL: new feature: high-performance Persistent Static variables implemented (StaticVarSet and StaticVarSetText has new parameter 'persist' - if it is set to True then static variable will be stored in PersistVars.bin file when AmiBroker is closing and reloaded automatically on next startup, preventing the values of static variables between application runs)
  2. 64-bit optimizer plugins: fixed issue in SPSO/Tribes with OptimizeSetOption not working correctly
  3. UI: Interpretation and Notepad windows do not flicker anymore when they are resized
  4. ASCII importer: added $USEONLYLOCALDB command
  5. Symbol pane full-text search is user-configurable (from options menu) and now supports searching by alias, address, country (in addition to search by symbol and full name).

CHANGES FOR VERSION 5.71.0 (as compared to 5.70.0)

  1. AFL: PlotText() now has additional parameter yoffset: PlotText( "text", x, y, color, bkcolor = colorDefault, yoffset = 0 )
  2. AFL: PlotTextSetFont( "text", "fontname", pointsize, x, y, color, bkcolor = colorDefault, yoffset = 0 )
  3. ASCII importer: now company address can be imported ($ADDRESS command and new ADDRESS field in the $FORMAT command)
  4. ASCII importer: NULL can be specified as date in several date fields such as delisting date, dividend date,etc. This results in date being cleared (unset).
  5. Charts: Y-axis grid can now be finer than 0.0001 (#125281) - upto 6 decimal digits (0.000001) are displayed when needed
  6. Charts: Null values in Open/Close fields now disable drawing of open/close ticks in the bar chart (PlotOHLC function)
  7. UI: Last pane height does not change on window resizing after pane resize anymore.
  8. New Analysis: in Windows 7 and 8 the progress of scan/backtest/exploration/optimization is also shown in Windows Taskbar, so it is visible even if AmiBroker window is minimized or covered by other windows
  9. New Analysis: Backtest report settings: added option NOT to include Formula in the report (for security purposes)
  10. New Analysis: Horizontal scroll bar is refreshed after HTML import
  11. Prefs: Currency tab, added option "Trade using FX cash conversion" to handle different ways to calculate profits depending on whenever foreign currency is borrowed or cash actualy exchanged


  1. No known.

For more details, instructions and examples how to use new features see the 5.77.0 BETA READ ME

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