AmiBroker Change Log

CHANGES FOR VERSION 6.92.0 (as compared to 6.91.0)

CHANGES FOR VERSION 6.91.0 (as compared to 6.90.6)

CHANGES FOR VERSION 6.90.6 (as compared to 6.90.5)

CHANGES FOR VERSION 6.90.5 (as compared to 6.90.1)

CHANGES FOR VERSION 6.90.1 (as compared to 6.90.0)

CHANGES FOR VERSION 6.90.0 (as compared to 6.49.1)

CHANGES FOR VERSION 6.49.1 (as compared to 6.49.0)

CHANGES FOR VERSION 6.49.0 (as compared to 6.43.0)

CHANGES FOR VERSION 6.43.0 (as compared to 6.42.0)

CHANGES FOR VERSION 6.42.0 (as compared to 6.41.0)

CHANGES FOR VERSION 6.41.0 (as compared to 6.40.4)


CHANGES FOR VERSION 6.40.4 (as compared to 6.40.3)

CHANGES FOR VERSION 6.40.3 (as compared to 6.40.2)

CHANGES FOR VERSION 6.40.2 (as compared to 6.40.0)

CHANGES FOR VERSION 6.40.0 (as compared to 6.39.1)

CHANGES FOR VERSION 6.39.1 (as compared to 6.39.0)

CHANGES FOR VERSION 6.39.0 (as compared to 6.38.0)

CHANGES FOR VERSION 6.38.0 (as compared to 6.35.1)

CHANGES FOR VERSION 6.35.1 (as compared to 6.35.0)

CHANGES FOR VERSION 6.35.0 (as compared to 6.31.0)

CHANGES FOR VERSION 6.31.0 (as compared to 6.30.0)

CHANGES FOR VERSION 6.30.2 (as compared to 6.30.0)


CHANGES FOR VERSION 6.30.0 (as compared to 6.29.0)

CHANGES FOR VERSION 6.29.0 (as compared to 6.28.0)

CHANGES FOR VERSION 6.28.0 (as compared to 6.27.1)

CHANGES FOR VERSION 6.27.1 (as compared to 6.26.0)

CHANGES FOR VERSION 6.26.0 (as compared to 6.25.0)

CHANGES FOR VERSION 6.25.0 (as compared to 6.22.0)

CHANGES FOR VERSION 6.22.0 (as compared to 6.21.0)

CHANGES FOR VERSION 6.21.0 (as compared to 6.20.1)

CHANGES FOR VERSION 6.20.1 (as compared to 6.20.0)

CHANGES FOR VERSION 6.20.0 (as compared to 6.19.0)

CHANGES FOR VERSION 6.19.0 (as compared to 6.18.0)

CHANGES FOR VERSION 6.18.0 (as compared to 6.17.0)

CHANGES FOR VERSION 6.17.0 (as compared to 6.16.0)

CHANGES FOR VERSION 6.16.0 (as compared to 6.15.0)

CHANGES FOR VERSION 6.15.0 (as compared to 6.14.0)

CHANGES FOR VERSION 6.14.0 (as compared to 6.13.0)

CHANGES FOR VERSION 6.13.0 (as compared to 6.12.0)

CHANGES FOR VERSION 6.12.0 (as compared to 6.11.0)

CHANGES FOR VERSION 6.11.0 (as compared to 6.10.0)

CHANGES FOR VERSION 6.10.0 (as compared to 6.09.0)

CHANGES FOR VERSION 6.09.0 (as compared to 6.08.0)

CHANGES FOR VERSION 6.08.0 (as compared to 6.07.0)

CHANGES FOR VERSION 6.07.0 (as compared to 6.06.0)

CHANGES FOR VERSION 6.06.0 (as compared to 6.05.0)

CHANGES FOR VERSION 6.05.0 (as compared to 6.04.0)

CHANGES FOR VERSION 6.04.0 (as compared to 6.03.0)

CHANGES FOR VERSION 6.03.0 (as compared to 6.02.0)

CHANGES FOR VERSION 6.02.0 (as compared to 6.01.0)

CHANGES FOR VERSION 6.01.0 (as compared to 6.00.0)

CHANGES FOR VERSION 6.00.2 (as compared to 6.00.1)

CHANGES FOR VERSION 6.00.1 (as compared to 6.00.0)

CHANGES FOR VERSION 6.00.0 (as compared to 5.99.0)

CHANGES FOR VERSION 5.99.0 (as compared to 5.98.0)

CHANGES FOR VERSION 5.98.0 (as compared to 5.97.0)

CHANGES FOR VERSION 5.97.0 (as compared to 5.96.0)

CHANGES FOR VERSION 5.96.0 (as compared to 5.95.0)

CHANGES FOR VERSION 5.95.0 (as compared to 5.94.0)

CHANGES FOR VERSION 5.94.0 (as compared to 5.93.0)

CHANGES FOR VERSION 5.93.0 (as compared to 5.92.0)

CHANGES FOR VERSION 5.92.0 (as compared to 5.91.1)

CHANGES FOR VERSION 5.91.0 (as compared to 5.90.1)

CHANGES FOR VERSION 5.90.0 (as compared to 5.89.0)

CHANGES FOR VERSION 5.89.0 (as compared to 5.88.0)

CHANGES FOR VERSION 5.88.0 (as compared to 5.87.0)

CHANGES FOR VERSION 5.87.0 (as compared to 5.86.0)

CHANGES FOR VERSION 5.86.0 (as compared to 5.85.0)


CHANGES FOR VERSION 5.85.0 (as compared to 5.84.0)

CHANGES FOR VERSION 5.84.0 (as compared to 5.83.0)

CHANGES FOR VERSION 5.83.0 (as compared to 5.82.1)

CHANGES FOR VERSION 5.82.1 (as compared to 5.82.0)

CHANGES FOR VERSION 5.82.0 (as compared to 5.81.0)

CHANGES FOR VERSION 5.81.0 (as compared to 5.80.3)

CHANGES FOR VERSION 5.80.3 (as compared to 5.80.2)

CHANGES FOR VERSION 5.80.2 (as compared to 5.80.0)

CHANGES FOR VERSION 5.80.0 (as compared to 5.79.0)

CHANGES FOR VERSION 5.79.0 (as compared to 5.78.0)

CHANGES FOR VERSION 5.78.0 (as compared to 5.77.0)

CHANGES FOR VERSION 5.77.0 (as compared to 5.76.0)

CHANGES FOR VERSION 5.76.0 (as compared to 5.75.0)

CHANGES FOR VERSION 5.75.0 (as compared to 5.74.0)

TO SWITCH BACK TO OLD editor use Tools->Preferences, "Editor" tab: UNCHECK "Use New Editor"

NOTE ALSO: that color/font preferences do not affect new editor yet (it is on to-do list).

CHANGES FOR VERSION 5.74.0 (as compared to 5.73.0)

CHANGES FOR VERSION 5.73.0 (as compared to 5.72.0)

CHANGES FOR VERSION 5.72.0 (as compared to 5.71.0)

CHANGES FOR VERSION 5.71.0 (as compared to 5.70.2)

CHANGES FOR VERSION 5.70.2 (as compared to 5.70.0)

CHANGES FOR VERSION 5.70.0 (as compared to 5.69.0)

CHANGES FOR VERSION 5.69.0 (as compared to 5.68.1)


CHANGES FOR VERSION 5.68.1 (as compared to 5.68.0)

CHANGES FOR VERSION 5.68.0 (as compared to 5.67.2)

CHANGES FOR VERSION 5.67.2 (as compared to 5.67.0)

CHANGES FOR VERSION 5.67.0 (as compared to 5.66.0)

CHANGES FOR VERSION 5.66.0 (as compared to 5.65.0)

CHANGES FOR VERSION 5.65.0 (as compared to 5.64.0)

CHANGES FOR VERSION 5.64.0 (as compared to 5.63.0)

CHANGES FOR VERSION 5.63.0 (as compared to 5.62.0)

CHANGES FOR VERSION 5.62.0 (as compared to 5.61.0)

CHANGES FOR VERSION 5.61.0 (as compared to 5.60.3)

CHANGES FOR VERSION 5.60.3 (as compared to 5.60.2)

CHANGES FOR VERSION 5.60.2 (as compared to 5.60.1)


CHANGES FOR VERSION 5.60.1 (as compared to 5.60.0)

CHANGES FOR VERSION 5.60.0 (as compared to 5.59.0)

CHANGES FOR VERSION 5.59.0 (as compared to 5.58.0)

CHANGES FOR VERSION 5.58.0 (as compared to 5.57.1)

CHANGES FOR VERSION 5.57.1 (as compared to 5.57.0)

CHANGES FOR VERSION 5.57.0 (as compared to 5.56.0)

CHANGES FOR VERSION 5.56.0 (as compared to 5.55.1)

CHANGES FOR VERSION 5.55.1 (as compared to 5.54.0)

CHANGES FOR VERSION 5.54.0 (as compared to 5.53.1)

CHANGES FOR VERSION 5.53.1 (as compared to 5.53.0)

CHANGES FOR VERSION 5.53.0 (as compared to 5.52.0)

CHANGES FOR VERSION 5.52.0 (as compared to 5.51.2)

CHANGES FOR VERSION 5.51.2 (as compared to 5.51.1)

CHANGES FOR VERSION 5.51.1 (as compared to 5.51.0)

CHANGES FOR VERSION 5.51.0 (as compared to 5.50.5)

CHANGES FOR VERSION 5.50.5 (as compared to 5.50.4)

CHANGES FOR VERSION 5.50.4 (as compared to 5.50.3)

CHANGES FOR VERSION 5.50.3 (as compared to 5.50.2)

CHANGES FOR VERSION 5.50.2 (as compared to 5.50.1)

CHANGES FOR VERSION 5.50.1 (as compared to 5.50.0)

CHANGES FOR VERSION 5.50.0 (as compared to 5.49.2)

CHANGES FOR VERSION 5.49.2 (as compared to 5.49.1)

CHANGES FOR VERSION 5.49.1 (as compared to 5.49.0)

CHANGES FOR VERSION 5.49.0 (as compared to 5.48.0)

CHANGES FOR VERSION 5.48.0 (as compared to 5.47.0)

CHANGES FOR VERSION 5.47.0 (as compared to 5.46.0)

CHANGES FOR VERSION 5.46.0 (as compared to 5.45.0)

CHANGES FOR VERSION 5.45.0 (as compared to 5.44.1)

CHANGES FOR VERSION 5.44.0 (as compared to 5.43.1)

CHANGES FOR VERSION 5.43.1 (as compared to 5.43.0)

CHANGES FOR VERSION 5.43.0 (as compared to 5.42.0)

CHANGES FOR VERSION 5.42.0 (as compared to 5.41.0)

CHANGES FOR VERSION 5.41.0 (as compared to 5.40.3)

CHANGES FOR VERSION 5.40.3 (as compared to 5.40.2)


CHANGES FOR VERSION 5.40.2 (as compared to 5.40.0)


CHANGES FOR VERSION 5.40.0 (as compared to 5.39.0)

CHANGES FOR VERSION 5.39.0 (as compared to 5.38.0)

CHANGES FOR VERSION 5.38.0 (as compared to 5.37.1)

CHANGES FOR VERSION 5.37.1 (as compared to 5.36.0)

CHANGES FOR VERSION 5.36.0 (as compared to 5.35.0)

CHANGES FOR VERSION 5.35.0 (as compared to 5.34.5)

CHANGES FOR VERSION 5.34.5 (as compared to 5.34.0)

CHANGES FOR VERSION 5.34.0 (as compared to 5.33.0)

CHANGES FOR VERSION 5.33.0 (as compared to 5.32.1)

CHANGES FOR VERSION 5.32.1 (as compared to 5.32.0)

CHANGES FOR VERSION 5.32.0 (as compared to 5.31.2)

CHANGES FOR VERSION 5.31.2 (as compared to 5.31.1)

CHANGES FOR VERSION 5.31.1 (as compared to 5.31.0)


CHANGES FOR VERSION 5.31.0 (as compared to 5.30.4)

CHANGES FOR VERSION 5.30.3 (as compared to 5.30.1)


CHANGES FOR VERSION 5.30.1 (as compared to 5.30.0)

CHANGES FOR VERSION 5.30.0 (as compared to 5.29.6)

CHANGES FOR VERSION 5.29.6 (as compared to 5.29.5)

CHANGES FOR VERSION 5.29.5 (as compared to 5.29.2)

CHANGES FOR VERSION 5.29.2 (as compared to 5.29.0)

CHANGES FOR VERSION 5.29.0 (as compared to 5.28.1)

CHANGES FOR VERSION 5.28.1 (as compared to 5.28.0)

CHANGES FOR VERSION 5.28.0 (as compared to 5.27.3)

CHANGES FOR VERSION 5.27.3 (as compared to 5.27.2)

CHANGES FOR VERSION 5.27.2 (as compared to 5.27.1)

CHANGES FOR VERSION 5.27.1 (as compared to 5.27.0)

CHANGES FOR VERSION 5.27.0 (as compared to 5.26.5)

CHANGES FOR VERSION 5.26.5 (as compared to 5.26.0)

CHANGES FOR VERSION 5.26.0 (as compared to 5.25.0)

CHANGES FOR VERSION 5.25.0 (as compared to 5.24.0)

CHANGES FOR VERSION 5.24.0 (as compared to 5.23.0)

CHANGES FOR VERSION 5.23.0 (as compared to 5.22.0)

CHANGES FOR VERSION 5.22.0 (as compared to 5.21.0)

CHANGES FOR VERSION 5.21.0 (as compared to 5.20.0)

CHANGES FOR VERSION 5.20.0 (as compared to 5.19.0)

CHANGES FOR VERSION 5.19.0 (as compared to 5.18.0)

CHANGES FOR VERSION 5.18.0 (as compared to 5.17.1)

CHANGES FOR VERSION 5.17.1 (as compared to 5.17.0)

CHANGES FOR VERSION 5.17.0 (as compared to 5.16.0)

CHANGES FOR VERSION 5.16.0 (as compared to 5.15.0)

CHANGES FOR VERSION 5.15.0 (as compared to 5.14.0)

CHANGES FOR VERSION 5.14.0 (as compared to 5.13.0)

CHANGES FOR VERSION 5.13.0 (as compared to 5.12.2)

CHANGES FOR VERSION 5.12.2 (as compared to 5.12.0)

CHANGES FOR VERSION 5.12.0 (as compared to 5.11.1)

CHANGES FOR VERSION 5.11.1 (as compared to 5.11.0)

CHANGES FOR VERSION 5.11.0 (as compared to 5.10.1)

CHANGES FOR VERSION 5.10.2 (as compared to 5.10.1)

CHANGES FOR VERSION 5.10.1 (as compared to 5.10.0)

CHANGES FOR VERSION 5.10.0 (as compared to 5.09.0)

CHANGES FOR VERSION 5.09.0 (as compared to 5.08.0)

CHANGES FOR VERSION 5.08.0 (as compared to 5.07.0)

CHANGES FOR VERSION 5.07.0 (as compared to 5.06.0)

CHANGES FOR VERSION 5.06.0 (as compared to 5.05.1)

CHANGES FOR VERSION 5.05.1 (as compared to 5.05.0)

CHANGES FOR VERSION 5.05.0 (as compared to 5.04.2)

CHANGES FOR VERSION 5.04.2 (as compared to 5.04.1)

CHANGES FOR VERSION 5.04.1 (as compared to 5.04.0)

CHANGES FOR VERSION 5.04.0 (as compared to 5.03.0)

CHANGES FOR VERSION 5.03.0 (as compared to 5.02.2)

CHANGES FOR VERSION 5.02.2 (as compared to 5.02.1)

CHANGES FOR VERSION 5.02.1 (as compared to 5.01.1)

CHANGES FOR VERSION 5.01.1 (as compared to 5.01.0)

CHANGES FOR VERSION 5.01.0 (as compared to 5.00.0)

CHANGES FOR VERSION 5.00.1 (as compared to 5.00.0)

CHANGES FOR VERSION 5.00.0 (as compared to 4.99.0)

CHANGES FOR VERSION 4.99.0 (as compared to 4.98.0)

CHANGES FOR VERSION 4.98.0 (as compared to 4.97.0)

CHANGES FOR VERSION 4.97.0 (as compared to 4.96.0)

CHANGES FOR VERSION 4.96.0 (as compared to 4.95.0)


CHANGES FOR VERSION 4.95.0 (as compared to 4.94.0)

CHANGES FOR VERSION 4.94.0 (as compared to 4.93.0)

CHANGES FOR VERSION 4.93.0 (as compared to 4.92.0)


CHANGES FOR VERSION 4.92.0 (as compared to 4.91.1)

CHANGES FOR VERSION 4.91.1 (as compared to 4.91.0)

CHANGES FOR VERSION 4.91.0 (as compared to 4.90.5)

CHANGES FOR VERSION 4.90.4 (as compared to 4.90.3)

CHANGES FOR VERSION 4.90.3 (as compared to 4.90.2)

CHANGES FOR VERSION 4.90.2 (as compared to 4.90.1)

CHANGES FOR VERSION 4.90.1 (as compared to 4.90.0)

CHANGES FOR VERSION 4.90.0 (as compared to 4.89.0)

CHANGES FOR VERSION 4.89.0 (as compared to 4.88.0)

CHANGES FOR VERSION 4.88.0 (as compared to 4.87.1)

CHANGES FOR VERSION 4.87.1 (as compared to 4.87.0)

CHANGES FOR VERSION 4.87.0 (as compared to 4.86.0)

CHANGES FOR VERSION 4.86.0 (as compared to 4.85.0)


CHANGES FOR VERSION 4.85.0 (as compared to 4.84.0)

CHANGES FOR VERSION 4.84.0 (as compared to 4.83.1)

CHANGES FOR VERSION 4.83.1 (as compared to 4.83.0)

CHANGES FOR VERSION 4.83.0 (as compared to 4.82.0)

CHANGES FOR VERSION 4.82.0 (as compared to 4.81.1)

CHANGES FOR VERSION 4.81.1 (as compared to 4.81.0)

CHANGES FOR VERSION 4.81.0 (as compared to 4.80.2)

CHANGES FOR VERSION 4.80.2 (as compared to 4.80.1)

CHANGES FOR VERSION 4.80.1 (as compared to 4.80.0)

CHANGES FOR VERSION 4.80.1 (as compared to 4.80.0)

CHANGES FOR VERSION 4.80.0 (as compared to 4.79.0)

CHANGES FOR VERSION 4.79.0 (as compared to 4.78.1)

CHANGES FOR VERSION 4.78.1 (as compared to 4.78.0)

CHANGES FOR VERSION 4.78.0 (as compared to 4.77.0)

CHANGES FOR VERSION 4.77.0 (as compared to 4.76.0)

CHANGES FOR VERSION 4.76.0 (as compared to 4.75.2)

CHANGES FOR VERSION 4.75.2 (as compared to 4.75.1)

CHANGES FOR VERSION 4.75.1 (as compared to 4.75.0)

CHANGES FOR VERSION 4.75.0 (as compared to 4.74.6)

CHANGES FOR VERSION 4.74.6 (as compared to 4.74.5)

CHANGES FOR VERSION 4.74.5 (as compared to 4.74.4)

CHANGES FOR VERSION 4.74.4 (as compared to 4.74.3)

CHANGES FOR VERSION 4.74.3 (as compared to 4.74.2)

CHANGES FOR VERSION 4.74.2 (as compared to 4.74.1)

CHANGES FOR VERSION 4.74.1 (as compared to 4.74.0)

CHANGES FOR VERSION 4.74.0 (as compared to 4.73.0)

CHANGES FOR VERSION 4.73.0 (as compared to 4.72.1)

CHANGES FOR VERSION 4.72.1 (as compared to 4.72.0)

CHANGES FOR VERSION 4.72.0 (as compared to 4.71.1)

CHANGES FOR VERSION 4.71.1 (as compared to 4.71.0)

CHANGES FOR VERSION 4.71.0 (as compared to 4.70.5)

CHANGES FOR VERSION 4.70.5 (as compared to 4.70.4)

CHANGES FOR VERSION 4.70.4 (as compared to 4.70.3)

CHANGES FOR VERSION 4.70.3 (as compared to 4.70.1)

CHANGES FOR VERSION 4.70.1 (as compared to 4.70.0)

CHANGES FOR VERSION 4.70.0 (as compared to 4.69.8)

CHANGES FOR VERSION 4.69.8 (as compared to 4.69.0)

CHANGES FOR VERSION 4.69.0 (as compared to 4.68.2)

CHANGES FOR VERSION 4.68.2 (as compared to 4.68.1)

CHANGES FOR VERSION 4.68.1 (as compared to 4.68.0)

CHANGES FOR VERSION 4.68.0 (as compared to 4.67.0)

CHANGES FOR VERSION 4.67.0 (as compared to 4.66.2)

CHANGES FOR VERSION 4.66.2 (as compared to 4.66.1)

CHANGES FOR VERSION 4.66.1 (as compared to 4.66.0)

CHANGES FOR VERSION 4.66.0 (as compared to 4.65.2)

CHANGES FOR VERSION 4.65.2 (as compared to 4.65.1)

CHANGES FOR VERSION 4.65.1 (as compared to 4.65.0)

CHANGES FOR VERSION 4.65.0 (as compared to 4.64.3)

CHANGES FOR VERSION 4.64.3 (as compared to 4.64.2)

CHANGES FOR VERSION 4.64.2 (as compared to 4.64.1)

CHANGES FOR VERSION 4.64.1 (as compared to 4.64.0)

CHANGES FOR VERSION 4.64.0 (as compared to 4.63.1)

CHANGES FOR VERSION 4.63.1 (as compared to 4.63.0)

CHANGES FOR VERSION 4.63.0 (as compared to 4.62.1)

CHANGES FOR VERSION 4.62.1 (as compared to 4.62.0)

CHANGES FOR VERSION 4.62.0 (as compared to 4.61.0)

CHANGES FOR VERSION 4.61.0 (as compared to 4.60.4)

CHANGES FOR VERSION 4.60.3 (as compared to 4.60.2)

CHANGES FOR VERSION 4.60.2 (as compared to 4.60.1)

CHANGES FOR VERSION 4.60.1 (as compared to 4.60.0)

CHANGES FOR VERSION 4.60.0 (as compared to 4.59.0)

CHANGES FOR VERSION 4.59.0 (as compared to 4.58.0)

CHANGES FOR VERSION 4.58.0 (as compared to 4.57.0)

CHANGES FOR VERSION 4.57.0 (as compared to 4.56.1)

CHANGES FOR VERSION 4.56.1 (as compared to 4.56.0)

CHANGES FOR VERSION 4.56.0 (as compared to 4.55.1)

CHANGES FOR VERSION 4.55.1 (as compared to 4.55.0)

CHANGES FOR VERSION 4.55.0 (as compared to 4.54.0)

CHANGES FOR VERSION 4.54.0 (as compared to 4.53.1)

CHANGES FOR VERSION 4.53.1 (as compared to 4.53.0)

CHANGES FOR VERSION 4.53.0 (as compared to 4.52.0)

CHANGES FOR VERSION 4.52.0 (as compared to 4.51.1)


CHANGES FOR VERSION 4.51.1 (as compared to 4.51.0)

CHANGES FOR VERSION 4.51.0 (as compared to 4.50.10)

CHANGES FOR VERSION 4.50.5 (as compared to 4.50.4)

CHANGES FOR VERSION 4.50.4 (as compared to 4.50.3)

CHANGES FOR VERSION 4.50.3 (as compared to 4.50.2)

CHANGES FOR VERSION 4.50.2 (as compared to 4.50.0)

CHANGES FOR VERSION 4.50.0 (as compared to 4.49.0)

CHANGES FOR VERSION 4.49.0 (as compared to 4.48.2)

CHANGES FOR VERSION 4.48.2 (as compared to 4.48.1)

CHANGES FOR VERSION 4.48.1 (as compared to 4.48.0)

CHANGES FOR VERSION 4.48.0 (as compared to 4.47.0)

CHANGES FOR VERSION 4.47.0 (as compared to 4.46.3)

CHANGES FOR VERSION 4.46.3 (as compared to 4.46.2)

CHANGES FOR VERSION 4.46.2 (as compared to 4.46.1)

CHANGES FOR VERSION 4.46.1 (as compared to 4.46.0)

CHANGES FOR VERSION 4.46.0 (as compared to 4.45.0)

CHANGES FOR VERSION 4.45.0 (as compared to 4.44.1)

CHANGES FOR VERSION 4.44.1 (as compared to 4.44.0)

CHANGES FOR VERSION 4.44.0 (as compared to 4.43.2)

CHANGES FOR VERSION 4.43.2 (as compared to 4.43.0)

CHANGES FOR VERSION 4.43.0 (as compared to 4.42.0)

CHANGES FOR VERSION 4.42.0 (as compared to 4.41.2)

CHANGES FOR VERSION 4.41.2 (as compared to 4.41.1)

thanks to all users for reporting errors and helping ironing out outstanding issues.
CHANGES FOR VERSION 4.41.1 (as compared to 4.41.0)

CHANGES FOR VERSION 4.41.0 (as compared to 4.40.4)

CHANGES FOR VERSION 4.40.3 (as compared to 4.40.2)

CHANGES FOR VERSION 4.40.2 (as compared to 4.40.1) CHANGES FOR VERSION 4.40.1 (as compared to 4.40.

CHANGES FOR VERSION 4.40.0 (as compared to 4.39.0)

CHANGES FOR VERSION 4.39.0 (as compared to 4.38.0)

CHANGES FOR VERSION 4.38.0 (as compared to 4.37.0)

CHANGES FOR VERSION 4.37.0 (as compared to 4.36.0)

CHANGES FOR VERSION 4.36.0 (as compared to 4.35.0)

#pragma nocache
#include <>

For example:

function Test( )
 global x;
 x = 3;

WriteVal( x ); // variable used without having been initialized,
// although declared inside Test() function body

Test( ); // during function call the value of 3 is assigned to variable x

WriteVal( x ); // and now no error is reported

The operands of logical-AND and logical-OR expressions are evaluated from left to right. Now if the value of the first operand is sufficient to determine the result of the operation, the second operand is not evaluated. This is called “short-circuit evaluation.”

The left operand of the logical-AND operator is completely evaluated and all side effects complete before continuing. If the left operand evaluates to false (0), the other operand is not evaluated.

The left operand of the logical-OR operator is completely evaluated
and all side effects complete before continuing.
If the left operand evaluates to true (nonzero), the other operand is not evaluated.

(The above description applies to operands that evaluate to single boolean value,
it does not apply to arrays. Operands that evaluate to arrays are evaluated always )

for( i = -3; i < BarCount; i++ )
 // using old versions of AMiBroker you would get subscipt out of range
 // but now
 // the second operand (C[ i ] > C[ i - 1 ]) is evaluated
 // ONLY if first operand ( i >= 1 ) evaluates to TRUE

  if( i >= 1 && C[ i ] > C[ i - 1 ] )
      _TRACE("TEST " + i);


CHANGES FOR VERSION 4.35.0 (as compared to 4.34.2)

CHANGES FOR VERSION 4.34.2 (as compared to 4.34.0)

CHANGES FOR VERSION 4.34.0 (as compared to 4.33.0)

CHANGES FOR VERSION 4.33.0 (as compared to 4.32.2)

CHANGES FOR VERSION 4.32.2 (as compared to 4.32.1)

CHANGES FOR VERSION 4.32.1 (as compared to 4.32.0)

CHANGES FOR VERSION 4.32.0 (as compared to 4.31.1)

CHANGES FOR VERSION 4.31.1 (as compared to 4.31.0)

CHANGES FOR VERSION 4.31.0 (as compared to 4.30.0)

CHANGES FOR VERSION 4.30.0 (as compared to 4.29.9)

CHANGES FOR VERSION 4.29.9 (as compared to 4.29.8)

CHANGES FOR VERSION 4.29.8 (as compared to 4.29.7)

CHANGES FOR VERSION 4.29.7 (as compared to 4.29.6)

CHANGES FOR VERSION 4.29.6 (as compared to 4.29.5)

CHANGES FOR VERSION 4.29.5 (as compared to 4.29.1)

CHANGES FOR VERSION 4.29.1 (as compared to 4.29.0)

CHANGES FOR VERSION 4.29.0 (as compared to 4.28.1)

CHANGES FOR VERSION 4.28.1 (as compared to 4.28.0)

CHANGES FOR VERSION 4.28.0 (as compared to 4.27.1)

CHANGES FOR VERSION 4.27.1 (as compared to 4.27.0)

CHANGES FOR VERSION 4.27.0 (as compared to 4.26.0)

Intellisense-like functionality in AFL editor

CHANGES FOR VERSION 4.26.0 (as compared to 4.25.0)

CHANGES FOR VERSION 4.25.0 (as compared to 4.24.0)

CHANGES FOR VERSION 4.24.0 (as compared to 4.23.0)


CHANGES FOR VERSION 4.23.0 (as compared to 4.22.1)

CHANGES FOR VERSION 4.22.1 (as compared to 4.22.0)

CHANGES FOR VERSION 4.22.0 (as compared to 4.21.1)

CHANGES FOR VERSION 4.21.1 (as compared to 4.21.0)

CHANGES FOR VERSION 4.21.0 (as compared to 4.20.8)

CHANGES FOR VERSION 4.20.8 (as compared to 4.20.7)

CHANGES FOR VERSION 4.20.7 (as compared to 4.20.6)

CHANGES FOR VERSION 4.20.6 (as compared to 4.20.5)

CHANGES FOR VERSION 4.20.5 (as compared to 4.19.0)

CHANGES FOR VERSION 4.19.0 (as compared to 4.18.0)

CHANGES FOR VERSION 4.18.0 (as compared to 4.17.0)

CHANGES FOR VERSION 4.17.0 (as compared to 4.16.0)

CHANGES FOR VERSION 4.16.0 (as compared to 4.15.1)

CHANGES FOR VERSION 4.15.1 (as compared to 4.15.0)

CHANGES FOR VERSION 4.15.0 (as compared to 4.14.0)

CHANGES FOR VERSION 4.14.0 (as compared to 4.13.1)

CHANGES FOR VERSION 4.13.1 (as compared to 4.13.0)

CHANGES FOR VERSION 4.13.0 (as compared to 4.12.0)

CHANGES FOR VERSION 4.12.0 (as compared to 4.10.3)

CHANGES FOR VERSION 4.10.2 (as compared to 4.10.1)

CHANGES FOR VERSION 4.10.1 (as compared to 4.10.0)

CHANGES FOR VERSION 4.10.0 (as compared to 4.09.0)

CHANGES FOR VERSION 4.09.0 (as compared to 4.08.2)

CHANGES FOR VERSION 4.08.2 (as compared to 4.08.0)

CHANGES FOR VERSION 4.08.0 (as compared to 4.07.4)

CHANGES FOR VERSION 4.07.4 (as compared to 4.07.3)

CHANGES FOR VERSION 4.07.3 (as compared to 4.07.2)

CHANGES FOR VERSION 4.07.2 (as compared to 4.07.1)

CHANGES FOR VERSION 4.07.1 (as compared to 4.07.0)

CHANGES FOR VERSION 4.07.0 (as compared to 4.06.1)

CHANGES FOR VERSION 4.06.1 (as compared to 4.06.0)

CHANGES FOR VERSION 4.06.0 (as compared to 4.02.1)

CHANGES FOR VERSION 4.02.1 (as compared to 4.02.0)

CHANGES FOR VERSION 4.02.0 (as compared to 4.01.0)

CHANGES FOR VERSION 4.01.0 (as compared to 4.00.0)

CHANGES FOR VERSION 4.00.0 (as compared to 3.99.2)

CHANGES FOR VERSION 3.99.2 (as compared to 3.99.0)

CHANGES FOR VERSION 3.99.0 (as compared to 3.98.1)

CHANGES FOR VERSION 3.98.1 (as compared to 3.98.0)

CHANGES FOR VERSION 3.98.0 (as compared to 3.97.1)

CHANGES FOR VERSION 3.97.1 (as compared to 3.97.0)

CHANGES FOR VERSION 3.97.0 (as compared to 3.95.0)

CHANGES FOR VERSION 3.95.0 (as compared to 3.93.1)

CHANGES FOR VERSION 3.93.1 (as compared to 3.93.0)

CHANGES FOR VERSION 3.93.0 (as compared to 3.92.0)

CHANGES FOR VERSION 3.92.0 (as compared to 3.90.6)

CHANGES FOR VERSION 3.90.5 (as compared to 3.90.4)

CHANGES FOR VERSION 3.90.4 (as compared to 3.90.3)

CHANGES FOR VERSION 3.90.3 (as compared to 3.90.2)

CHANGES FOR VERSION 3.90.2 (as compared to 3.90.1)

CHANGES FOR VERSION 3.90.1 (as compared to 3.90.0)

CHANGES FOR VERSION 3.90.0 (as compared to 3.88.0)

CHANGES FOR VERSION 3.88.0 (as compared to 3.87.2)

CHANGES FOR VERSION 3.87.2 (as compared to 3.87.1)

CHANGES FOR VERSION 3.87.1 (as compared to 3.87.0)

CHANGES FOR VERSION 3.87.0 (as compared to 3.86.0)

CHANGES FOR VERSION 3.86.0 (as compared to 3.85.0)

CHANGES FOR VERSION 3.85.0 (as compared to 3.84.0)

CHANGES FOR VERSION 3.84.0 (as compared to 3.80.4)


Version 3.80.2 (November 18th, 2001) includes following new features and bug-fixes (as compared to 3.70.0)


Version 3.70.1 (September 3rd, 2001) includes following new features and bug-fixes (as compared to 3.65.1)


Version 3.65.1 (August 6th, 2001) includes following new features and bug-fixes (as compared to 3.64.1)


Version 3.64.1 (July 24th, 2001) includes following new features and bug-fixes (compared to 3.64.0)


Version 3.64 (July 22th, 2001) includes following new features and bug-fixes (compared to 3.61):


Version 3.61 (July 8th, 2001) includes following new features and bug-fixes (compared to 3.60):


Version 3.60 (June 5th/11th, 2001) includes following new features and bug-fixes (compared to 3.55):


Version 3.55 (April 22nd, 2001) includes following new features and bug-fixes (compared to 3.50):


Version 3.50 (February 25th, 2001) includes following new features and bug-fixes (compared to 3.45):


Version 3.45 (January 6th, 2001) includes following new features and bug-fixes (compared to 3.42):

I User interface / usability enhancements

II AFL - 17 new built-in functions

III Fixes and other enhancements


Version 3.42 (December 16th, 2000) includes following new features and bug-fixes (compared to 3.41):


Version 3.41 (December 10th, 2000) includes following new features and bug-fixes (compared to 3.40):


Version 3.40 (November 1st, 2000) includes following new features and bug-fixes (compared to 3.32):


1.1 New built-in functions in AFL:

1.2 Detailed statistics after back-testing your system

1.3 New report viewer allows PRINTING reports (and saving in HTML format)

1.4 Definable back testing parameters:

1.5 Automatic analysis window:

1.6 Indicator builder:

1.7 AFL engine now supports overwriting built-in O, H, L, C, V arrays so you can calculate all built-in functions from different data.

For example you can calculate macd() from rsi():


2.1 More graphical analysis tools, enhanced existing ones:

2.2 Study properties can be modified using special "Properties" dialog

2.3 Main chart:

2.4 Candlestick fill colors definable and much more color settings

2.5 New built-in indicators: ADX/DMI, SAR

2.6 The ability to search for a stock by name, for when the ticker is unknown ( Stock Finder window (F3) )

2.7 The OPEN price in the grab bar of the main chart

2.8 Full name can be added to ticker in both tree/ticker windows

2.9 Ticker window is now resizeable

2.10 WebID field in Stock Information window works correctly now


3.1 $PRICEFACTOR command allowing multiplying prices by definable factor

3.2 Reorganized database file layout and enhanced database engine

Using separate sub-directories for tickers beginning with each letter and digit improves database loading/saving times dramatically (up to 3 times when partial loading is on)

3.3 Import of long histories (for example AmiQuote .AQH files) speeded up to 10 times

3.4 Database and program is enabled for storing OpenInterest data. Support for OpenInterest is added to:

3.6 OLE Automation interface:


4.1 Fixed directory structure creation (bug occurred in 3.40 beta)

4.2 A directory does not get appended to the recently used list if it does not contain valid AmiBroker database

4.3 For SHARENET users: Sharenet DN format definition added (sharenet.format file) and six.js script file modified in order to use new file - this should solve the problems with upgrading. Now you can import .DN files from directly from ASCII importer file dialog choosing appropriate type from "Files of type" combo


Version 3.32 (August 9th, 2000) includes following new features and bug-fixes (compared to 3.31):


Version 3.31 (July 4th, 2000) includes following bug-fixes (compared to 3.30):


Version 3.30 (Jun 29th, 2000) includes following new features and fixes(compared to 3.25):


Version 3.25 (Apr 26th, 2000) includes following fixes & new features(compared to 3.24):


Version 3.24 (Mar 23rd, 2000) includes following fixes (compared to 3.23):


Version 3.23 (Mar 21st, 2000) includes following new features and fixes (compared to 3.22):

New format definition commands in ASCII import

The following new commands are available:

Moreover followin new field definitions are accepted now by $FORMAT command:

User-definable file types and formats

Now AmiBroker can use not only default.format definition file but also other user-specified files. File types, filters and format definition files are specified in import.types file (example is included in the update package). Now user can prepare/modify import.types file with the description of supported ASCII formats and filters to use. The format of import.types file is:

<Descriptive name>|<File filter>|<definition file name>

Note vertical line characters between these three fields. Example import.types file looks as follows:

Default ASCII (*.*)|*.*|default.format
Yahoo's CSV (*.csv)|*.csv|yahoo.format
Metastock ASCII (*.mst)|*.mst|metastock.format
Omega SC ASCII (*.txt)|*.txt|omega.format
S-Files (s*.*)|s*.*|sfile.format
C-Files (c*.*)|c*.*|cfile.format
Sharenet DAT (*.dat)|*.dat|dat.format

If such file exists you will see your types in the "Files of type" combo-box and when you select one - appropriate filter will be used and after selecting some files and clicking OK - importer will use specified ".format" file.

In that way you can define as many text-based data formats as you like and AmiBroker will be able to "understand" them all.

Ticker aliases

Now each ticker can have an alias assigned, so the AmiBroker's built-in importers can recognize that stock by both ticker and alias names. This is useful when you are using two data sources that are using slighty different stock naming convention or if you want to give the stocks more intuitive name while retaining the ability to use importers without problems.


Version 3.22 (Mar 5th, 2000) includes following new features and fixes (compared to 3.21):


Version 3.21 (Feb 16th, 2000) includes following fixes (compared to 3.20):